About Us
EverHayes Tween to Teen began as an idea for a home decor business. God had other plans. I had been extremely uneasy about it. One day I was doing laundry and thought I wish I had somewhere that I could buy my daughter cute more high end clothing. So after months of struggles, my plan for EverHayes changed. I’m so thankful for being led in this direction. I am very excited about this challenge. I feel like it is something I can do with my daughter and bring our relationship closer because EverHayes is all about family. The name EverHayes comes from both of my kid's middle names, Everett and Hayes. Being there for my kids and with my kids is my #1 priority.
I hope you find this store appealing. Our girls need a place they can find cute, high end, affordable clothing that helps to give them confidence. In the end, SELF ESTEEM is the most important characteristic our children can develop. I hope moms and their daughters can turn to EverHayes for clothing that can help build that SELF ESTEEM in their little girl.